Friday, February 28, 2025

Gamepad Instance – Cocos Creator

Hello All,

Struggled to search out any examples of the gamepad options or a lot documentation. So now that I’ve figured it out I assumed I’d share some code that will help you work with gamepads in your video games.

So I made a folder in my property referred to as Scripts → World and one other folder inside Scripts referred to as Scenes. I’ve then created this primary defaultScript into the Scenes folder and a gamepad script into World.

Place the scene script into your scene after which run the mission and examine the console for gamepad button presses. I’ve additionally mapped this as an xbox controller structure (XYBA).


import { _decorator, Part, EventGamepad, enter, Enter } from 'cc';
import { gamepad } from '../World/gamepad';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

export class defaultScript extends Part {

    begin() {
        enter.on(Enter.EventType.GAMEPAD_INPUT, this.onButtonDown, this);

    onButtonDown(occasion: EventGamepad){
        const button = gamepad.examine(occasion.gamepad);
        var buttonPressed = false;
        if(button.button_a == 1){
            buttonPressed = "a";
        if(button.button_x == 1){
            buttonPressed = "x";
        if(button.button_y == 1){
            buttonPressed = "y";
        if(button.button_b == 1){
            buttonPressed = "b";
        if(button.button_start == 1){
            buttonPressed = "begin";
        if(button.button_select == 1){
            buttonPressed = "choose";
        if(button.button_up == 1){
            buttonPressed = "dpad up";
        if(button.button_down == 1){
            buttonPressed = "dpad down";
        if(button.button_right == 1){
            buttonPressed = "dpad proper";
        if(button.button_left == 1){
            buttonPressed = "dpad left";
        if(button.l1 == 1){
            buttonPressed = "l1";
        if(button.l2 == 1){
            buttonPressed = "l2";
        if(button.r1 == 1){
            buttonPressed = "r1";
        if(button.r2 == 1){
            buttonPressed = "r2";
        if(button.button_left_stick == 1){
            buttonPressed = "Left stick";
        if(button.button_right_stick == 1){
            buttonPressed = "Proper stick";
        if(buttonPressed != false){
            console.log("Button "+buttonPressed+" pressed");


import { _decorator, Part } from 'cc';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;

export class gamepad extends Part {

    public static examine(gamepad){
        var button  = [0];
        button.button_a = gamepad.buttonSouth.getValue();
        button.button_x = gamepad.buttonWest.getValue();
        button.button_y = gamepad.buttonNorth.getValue();
        button.button_b = gamepad.buttonEast.getValue();
        button.button_select = gamepad.buttonShare.getValue();
        button.button_start = gamepad.buttonOptions.getValue();
        button.button_up = gamepad.dpad.up.getValue();
        button.button_down = gamepad.dpad.down.getValue();
        button.button_left = gamepad.dpad.left.getValue();
        button.button_right = gamepad.dpad.proper.getValue();
        button.l1 = gamepad.buttonL1.getValue();
        button.l2 = gamepad.buttonL2.getValue();
        button.r1 = gamepad.buttonR1.getValue();
        button.r2 = gamepad.buttonR2.getValue();
        button.button_left_stick = gamepad.buttonL3.getValue();
        button.button_right_stick = gamepad.buttonR3.getValue();
        button.left_stick = gamepad.leftStick.getValue();
        button.left_stick_up = 0;
        button.left_stick_down = 0;
        button.left_stick_left = 0;
        button.left_stick_right = 0;
        if(gamepad.leftStick.getValue().y > 0){
            button.left_stick_up = gamepad.leftStick.getValue().y;
        } else if(gamepad.leftStick.getValue().y  0){
            button.left_stick_right = gamepad.leftStick.getValue().x;
        } else if(gamepad.leftStick.getValue().x  0){
            button.right_stick_up = gamepad.rightStick.getValue().y;
        } else if(gamepad.rightStick.getValue().y  0){
            button.right_stick_right = gamepad.rightStick.getValue().x;
        } else if(gamepad.rightStick.getValue().x 



Thanks for sharing ! I pinned this good code pattern

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Hello, sorry to resurrect this thread,

I’m utilizing the most recent cocos (3.8.5) and tried on each newest chrome and firefox.

I’ve been attempting to learn the gamepad enter and though I can use EventType.GAMEPAD_CHANGE, I by no means get EventType.GAMEPAD_INPUT.


  begin() {
        enter.on(Enter.EventType.GAMEPAD_CHANGE, this.onGamepadChange, this);
        enter.on(Enter.EventType.GAMEPAD_INPUT, this.onGamepadInput,  this);

Any assist gratefully obtained, thanks

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