Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Procedural Terrain in Godot – Recreation Growth Stack Trade

I am making an attempt to create procedurally generated terrain, it really works however it simply makes use of easy textures. The decrease space under sea stage I need to add a water materials as an alternative of a easy texture. How can I obtain this?
enter image description here
I’m utilizing the next code to procedurally generate terrain:

class_name HTerrainGenerator

# Import courses
const HTerrain: Useful resource = preload("res://addons/zylann.hterrain/hterrain.gd")
const HTerrainData: Useful resource = preload("res://addons/zylann.hterrain/hterrain_data.gd")
const HTerrainTextureSet: Useful resource = preload("res://addons/zylann.hterrain/hterrain_texture_set.gd")

var grass_texture: Useful resource =  load("res://Ranges/Textures/T_ground_forest_grass_03_BC_H.PNG")
var sand_texture: Useful resource = load("res://Ranges/Textures/T_ground_sand_03_BC_H.PNG")
var mud_texture: Useful resource = load("res://Ranges/Textures/t_mud_01_d_1k.PNG")

var terrian_seed: int = randi_range(0, 999999999999999999)

func generate_terrain() -> HTerrain:
    # Create terrain useful resource and provides it a dimension.
    # It have to be both 513, 1025, 2049 or 4097.
    var terrain_data: HTerrainData = HTerrainData.new()

    var noise: FastNoiseLite = FastNoiseLite.new()
    noise.seed = terrian_seed
    var noise_multiplier = 10.0 # impacts the peak of the terrain

    # Get entry to terrain maps
    var heightmap: Picture = terrain_data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
    var normalmap: Picture = terrain_data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_NORMAL)
    var splatmap: Picture = terrain_data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT)

    # Generate terrain maps
    for z in heightmap.get_height():
        for x in heightmap.get_width():
            # Generate peak
            var h = noise_multiplier * noise.get_noise_2d(x, z)

            # Getting regular by producing additional heights immediately from noise,
            # so map borders will not have seams in case you sew them
            var h_right = noise_multiplier * noise.get_noise_2d(x + 0.1, z)
            var h_forward = noise_multiplier * noise.get_noise_2d(x, z + 0.1)
            var regular: Vector3 = Vector3(h - h_right, 0.1, h_forward - h).normalized()

            # Generate texture quantities
            var splat: Coloration = splatmap.get_pixel(x, z)
            var slope: float = 4.0 * regular.dot(Vector3.UP) - 2.0
            # Sand on the slopes the upper worth the extra sand reveals
            var sand_amount: float = clamp(2.1 - slope, 0.0, 1.0)
            # Mud under sea stage
            var mud_amount: float = clamp(0.0 - h, 0.0, 1.0)
            splat = splat.lerp(Coloration(0,1,0,0), sand_amount)
            splat = splat.lerp(Coloration(0,0,1,0), mud_amount)

            heightmap.set_pixel(x, z, Coloration(h, 0, 0))
            normalmap.set_pixel(x, z, HTerrainData.encode_normal(regular))
            splatmap.set_pixel(x, z, splat)

    # Commit modifications so that they get uploaded to the graphics card
    var modified_region: Rect2 = Rect2(Vector2(), heightmap.get_size())
    terrain_data.notify_region_change(modified_region, HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
    terrain_data.notify_region_change(modified_region, HTerrainData.CHANNEL_NORMAL)
    terrain_data.notify_region_change(modified_region, HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT)

    # Create texture set
    var texture_set: HTerrainTextureSet = HTerrainTextureSet.new()
    texture_set.set_texture(0, HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_ALBEDO_BUMP, grass_texture)
    texture_set.set_texture(1, HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_ALBEDO_BUMP, sand_texture)
    texture_set.set_texture(2, HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_ALBEDO_BUMP, mud_texture)

    # Create terrain node
    var terrain: HTerrain = HTerrain.new()
    terrain.place = Vector3(0, 0, 0)

    return terrain

func reload(terrain: HTerrain):

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