I caught in the issue that my entites are usually not displaying. I discovered Entities graphic rendering pattern for runtime it completely labored. However when i’m integrating its code, there isn’t any luck. Please inform me what i’m doing unsuitable.
public class EntityRendering : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject prefab; // Reference to the normal prefab
public Materials entityMaterial; // Materials for use for entities
public int objectCount = 10000;
non-public EntityManager entityManager;
non-public EntityArchetype entityArchetype;
void Begin()
entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;
// Outline the elements that entities could have
entityArchetype = entityManager.CreateArchetype(
// Create entities
for (int i = 0; i ().sharedMesh,
materials = entityMaterial
// Set preliminary place, rotation, and scale
entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new ComponentTranslatoin
worth = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * 10
entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new ComponentRotation
worth = quaternion.id
entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new ComponentScale
worth = new float3(1f, 1f, 1f)
entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new ComponentMoveSpeed
worth = UnityEngine.Random.Vary(1f, 3f)
var renderMeshArray = new RenderMeshArray(new Materials[] { entityMaterial }, new Mesh[] { prefab.GetComponent().mesh });
var desc = new RenderMeshDescription(
shadowCastingMode: ShadowCastingMode.Off,
receiveShadows: false);
RenderMeshUtility.AddComponents(entity, entityManager, desc, renderMeshArray,
MaterialMeshInfo.FromRenderMeshArrayIndices(0, 0));
I checked that entites are creating in entities/hirachy however not displaying/rendering