I encountered an issue in Unity associated to the Character Controller, specifically with checking whether or not the participant is on the bottom or not (isGrounded).
A participant strolling down a slope with a minimal angle of deflection is taken into account to be within the air, whereas the physics of the character attracts him to the bottom.
I wish to detect {that a} character descending a slope remains to be touching the bottom.
Is it doable to unravel this drawback utilizing normal instruments to replace the floor below the participant, or will I’ve to make a system of checking this myself utilizing SphereCast
or one thing comparable?
personal void HandleMovementAndJump()
IsGrounded = characterController.isGrounded;
MoveVector = !inputState.MoveIsLocked ? InputManager.MoveInput : Vector2.zero;
IsSprinting = !inputState.MoveIsLocked &&
staminaSystem.currentStamina > 0 &&[![enter image description here][1]][1]
InputManager.SprintInput != 0 &&
MoveVector.y > 0f &&
CurrentState != FSMState.Crouch;
CurrentInputVector = Vector2.SmoothDamp(CurrentInputVector, MoveVector, ref smoothInputVelocity, smoothInputSpeed);
CurrentInputVectorInt = new Vector2(Mathf.Spherical(CurrentInputVector.x), Mathf.Spherical(CurrentInputVector.y));
if (CurrentInputVectorInt != Vector2.zero)
CurrentState = IsSprinting ? FSMState.Run : FSMState.Transfer;
CurrentState = FSMState.Idle;
Vector3 rightMove = rework.proper * CurrentInputVector.x;
Vector3 forwardMove = rework.ahead * CurrentInputVector.y;
float velocity = GetCurrentSpeedValue();
CurrentMovementSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(CurrentMovementSpeed, velocity, Time.deltaTime * smoothChangeSpeedValue);
Vector3 movementVector = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(rightMove + forwardMove, 1f) * CurrentMovementSpeed;
if (IsGrounded)
moveDirection = movementVector;
Vector3 airControl = movementVector * airControlFactor;
moveDirection = new Vector3(
moveDirection.x + airControl.x * Time.deltaTime,
moveDirection.z + airControl.z * Time.deltaTime);
playerVelocity.y = IsGrounded && playerVelocity.y = 25 &&
InputManager.JumpInput &&
IsGrounded &&
CurrentState = FSMState.Leap;
playerVelocity.y += Mathf.Sqrt(jumpHeight * -3.0f * playerGravity);
if (!IsGrounded)
CurrentState = FSMState.Fall;
playerVelocity.y += playerGravity * Time.deltaTime;
if (characterController.collisionFlags == CollisionFlags.Above && playerVelocity.y > 0)
playerVelocity.y = 0f;
characterController.Transfer((moveDirection + playerVelocity) * Time.deltaTime);